姓名: 张奇琦
学历、学位: 工学博士
职称、职务: 科研博士后
所在部门/系/中心: 环境工程系、bcw8白菜网论坛网站实验中心
办公室: 尚德楼B2-509
邮箱: Qiqi.zhang@njtech.edu.cn
研究方向: 高盐废水处理、高级氧化工艺、工业废水毒性评价
2016-2019 Treatment of concentrates from industrial wastewater recycling
(HighCon) 工业废水浓缩液的处理
2016-2019 Model development and sustainability analysis for cooling water
recirculation by integrated desalination in the steel industry (WEISS)
2019-2021 Development of a process for the detoxification and utilization of condensates
from a residue gasifier (Conpur)焦化冷凝液减毒和资源回收
1. Q. Zhang, et al. Dynamic and equilibrium precipitation of struvite from the concentrated cellulosic ethanol stillage. Water Science and Technology, 2021, 84(12), 3859–3870
2. Q. Zhang, et al. Fenton oxidation as pretreatment for biomass gasification condensate: cost and biomass inhibition evaluation. Water Science and Technology, 2022, 85(7), 2225–2239
3. Zhang, Q. et al. Long-term nitrite-oxidizing bacteria suppression in a continuous activated sludge system exposed to frequent changes in pH and oxygen set-points. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 318, 115545.